Your staff have outdone themselves. For many weeks, they’ve been getting their head down remotely (thirsty work, might we add). Slack, Asana and Google Drive are their second home now until the office reopens. 

You want to celebrate surviving so much together. But how can you, when bars are still working out how to serve safely, never mind create a great atmosphere?

Zoom is the answer. More specifically, capturing the Friday feeling with a Virtual Cocktail Masterclass.

Don’t worry – we can host. In fact, that’s just what we’re offering. If you’re wondering what to do during a Zoom party that doesn’t involve yet another quiz, leave it to us. Here’s why a shindig on screen could shake up your morale for the better...

Jonny Cocktail Cocktail Masterclass In Your Home

A rare mix of creativity and teamwork

People get excited about drinks. Especially when they’re on the company card. But they’re even more buzzed about making a drink their own. We’ve seen it behind our mobile bar countless times – the questions, the improv, the light in their eyes. Cocktails have a recipe, sure, yet they’re never too prescriptive. 

During our cocktail masterclass in your home, we can teach some basic skills and techniques, and leave the rest up to your employees. They’re then free to experiment. Say what they like or dislike. Show off their personality and ask how other people are crafting theirs. For the time being, it’s the closest we might get to the after-work pub crawl. 

Any excuse for a cocktail party is a good one. However, you might want to theme it around someone’s birthday, a leaving do or a probation-passing milestone. You’re basically making celebrations that much more special under the circumstances. And we sure could use a bit of the old normal in our lives right now.

How we bring it to life

There are three Jonny Cocktail virtual masterclass packages: Box 1, 2 and 3. They all come with the same ingredients. You can scale up with extra drinks equipment, or stick to the basics if people have their own glasses and shakers. 

We’ve picked three bona fide favourites for the drinks themselves. Get ready to make two martinis – the Porn Star and Espresso – as well as a classic mojito. We also offer non-alcoholic recipes so nobody is left to just watch the fun unfold.

There’s music too, and plenty of chatter along the way. Our host Jonny ensures this won’t be like a typical Zoom call, which – let’s face it – can run into awkward silences sometimes. Instead, we keep momentum high and the conversation flowing. Our playlist is stacked with feel-good tunes, and there are games and prizes to be won (but we won’t share that secret here – you’ll have to see what we’ve come up with first-hand…).

How to do a cocktail masterclass? Simple. Head right this way. Pick the package your team has worked so hard for, and get mixing!

Please drink responsibly -